The Webmaster

Webmaster's Note

Greetings to my fellow users. Bonjour and welcome to the official 7GTS website.

What started out as a mere fragment of my imagination has conjured into the informative website that you're currently visiting.

On the 9th of May, I came across a Facebook post that was posted by the PPMNPP, that encouraged scouts like myself to make a website for their troop in order to attain the Kegiatan badge. I had to make this website using an application that I was completely new to. Making a website was definitely uncharted territory for me. Nevertheless, I started playing around with Google Sites. Despite having already met the basic requirements of the activity, I decided to take the website a step further. Hence, that's why there's a multitude of information here at your disposal.

I hope that this website will bring contentment to all of you. With that said, continue to explore each and every corner of the website to perhaps learn more about the troop or simply reminisce about the good old days.

Keep the troop flag flying high.

Krisada Ooi