
Sejarah Pengakap Dunia

Sejarah pengakap dunia bermula pada tahun 1907 di Pulau Brownsea, England. Pergerakan pengakap bermula apabila satu perkhemahan untuk budak-budak lelaki diadakan di pulau tersebut. Perkhemahan ini telah diilhamkan oleh Robert Stephenson Smith Baden Powell yang merupakan seorang Betas Mejar Tentera British yang penuh pengalaman dari medam pertempuran secara tidak langsung, bermula sejarah pergerakan pengakap dunia. Dengan kejayaan menganjurkan perkhemahan untuk budak lelaki, beliau telah mencetuskan pelbagai idea dan pengalaman untuk budak-budak melalui penerbitan buku "Scouting for Boys" yang dikarang oleh beliau sendiri. Pergerakan Pengakap telah tersebar luas melalui peneroka dan pedagang British. Tanpa diduga, pergerakan pengakap telah mendapat sambutan yang menggalakkan daripada negara-negara Eropah, Asia, dan Amerika dalam masa beberapa tahun sahaja ia ditubuhkan. Beliau telah mengelilingi dunia pada tahun 1912 untuk menemui beberapa pergerakan pengakap di seluruh dunia. Pada tahun 1920, Jambori Pengakap Dunia yang pertama telah diadakan di Olympia. London. Di sinilah beliau telah dilantik sebagai Ketua Pengakap Dunia manakala Kerajaan British menganugerahkan beliau dengan gelaran "Lord Baden of Gillwell". Banyak pingat kebesaran negara telah beliau peroleh ata sumbangan beliau mewujudkan pergerakan pengakap. Pada tanggal 8 Januari 1941, beliau telah meninggal dunia di Daxtu, Kenya sebelum sempat menyambut ulang tahun ke-84.

Sejarah Pengakap Malaysia

Pergerakan Pengakap di Malaysia bermula pada tahun 1910 di Singapura di mana pengasasnya adalah F.C. Sands, seorang peneroka British. Sebelum itu, beberapa percubaan telah dibuat di Pulau Pinang (1908) dan Selangor (1909) tetapi gagal. Bermula di sini, pergerakan Pengakap telah berkembang pesat di semua negeri Tanah Melayu dan Borneo. Kedua-dua negeri tersebut telah memiliki sekurang-kurangnya satu pasukan pengakap pada ketika itu. Berikut adalah senarai pengasas pergerakan pengakap di negeri-negeri Melayu dan Borneo:

  • F.C. Sands di Singapura (1910)

  • B.E. Shaw di Kuala Lumpur dan Selangor (1910)

  • G.M. Laidlaw di Pahang (1912)

  • Reverend Thomas Cecil Alexander di Sabah dan Sarawak (1913)

  • H.R. Cheeseman di Pulau Pinang, Johor (1915,1928)

  • E.C. Hicks, A.G. Stuart, R.P.S. Walker, C.W. Bloomfield di Kedah (1922)

  • L.R. Wheeler di Perak (1926)

  • R. Brunstone di Melaka, Negeri Sembilan (1926)

  • A.J. Gracle di Terengganu (1927)

  • YM Tengku Ahmad Panglima Raja di Kelantan (1927)

  • Bird dan Roger Smith di Perlis (1931)

Persekutuan Budak Pengakap Tanah Melayu telah ditubuhkan selepas Perang Dunia ke-2. Persekutuan Budak Pengakap Tanah Melayu telah menjadi ahli penuh Persidangan Pengakap Sedunia pada 1 September 1952. Persekutuan Budak Pengakap Tanah Melayu telah bertukar nama kepada Persekutuan Budak Pengakap Malaysia di mana dianggotai Tanah Melayu, Singapura, Sabah, dan Sarawak pada tahun 1964. Pada tahun Ogos 1965, Singapura telah keluar daripada Persekutuan Budak Pengakap Malaysia sejajar dengan Singapura keluar dari gagasan Malaysia.

Profil Lord Baden Powell

Nama Penuh: Robert Stephenson Smyth Baden-Powell

Nama Singkatan: BP

Tarikh Lahir: 22 Februari 1857

Tempat Lahir: London, England

Pendidikan Awal: Charterhouse, London

Pekerjaan Bekas: Mejar Tentera British

Nama Bapa: Reverend H.G. Baden Powell

Nama Isteri: Lady Baden Powell atau Miss Olave Soames

Tarikh Meninggal Dunia: 8 Januari 1941

Our Troop's Crest

The crest of 7th Georgetown South consists of an enlarged lion's head in red colour with a miniature scout crest superimposed in its name. The name of the group encircles this symbolic lion's head. This fiery red lion's head, in symbolic line of the school's lion denotes the strength and majesty of the group's ever ongoing spirit and determination in its scouting challenge and endeavours.

Our Troop's History

The 7th Georgetown South Scout Troop was officially formed on the 13th of September 1959 with the registration number M 1718. The founding of the troop was brought about by the presence of too many scouts in the school. The headmaster of that time was Mr Hugh who permitted Mr Ibrahim Noordin, our first scouter and our founder to form the troop with the mere number of 28 boys. At the time, all recruits were relatively young - Form 1s and Form 2s. Fortunately, there was one Form 4 scout who had just been transferred from B.M. High School. He was promptly made the troop's first Troop Leader.

At the end of the year, the troop led by Mr Ibrahim Noordin with guidance and experience of the Troop Leader, went camping at Juru. The camp was a great flop. There was no water point supply as the water point was covered by rocks from a nearby quarry. On top of this flop, the beach was muddy from end to end. They spent two miserable nights there.

During the founder's day rally that year, held at Francis Light School, the troop emerged first in a competition. At that time, the troop was hardly 1.5 months old.

Due to the enthusiasm and the spirit of the troop, he once again organised something this time, a 'Tramping Tour' round-island. The troop started from PFS and hiked to Bayan Lepas Malay School, a former teacher of Mr P.A. Das was the HM, so they spent the night there on the cement floor of the hall. From Balik Pulau, they hiked to Jubilee Camp where they interrupted all guides campfire.

The next morning, the scouts woke up with blistered feet. Some of them had to hike barefooted back during the last leg of the Tanjung Bungah as they were too tired and in pain to walk. The tour turned out to be enjoyable, tiring, and painful - in that order.

Before 1983, all the recruits from this troop wore shorts and after that year, all the recruits wore long pants. 7GTS is one of the top five troops. Our troop consisted of 6 patrols and 2 units. The patrols were called Peewit, Owl, Kangaroo, Hawk, Falcon, and Cobra. The venture units are Unit 1 and Unit 2. Last time, some of the patrols were called Maverick, Scorpion, and Mafia (1988).

This troop has two major camps. They are the Annual Training Camp and TRAPLEX (Training, Pleasure & Expedition). During TRAPLEX, we will usually combine with guides from other schools such as Union, PCGHS, St. George's, MGS, CLS, CDK, etc. All these camps are usually held at Youth Park and Coronation Camp.

The troop has many ranks, namely SSL, SM, ASSL, ASM, TL, VTL, ATL, VUL, VUS, PL, and PS. After leaving the school, our troop calls them back for a Reunion Dinner. This dinner which is held every 4 years is held to share some experienced for boy scouts with those who left the school.

As part of the troop, we have to uphold the name of our troop. To do that, we always obey the scout laws. Think not of what the troop can do for you, but what you can do for the troop. Only we can determine the future of the troop. So, let us together with one voice say this "Keep the troop flag flying high".