Welcome to our troop's website!


30 MAY 2020 - COVID-19 BADGE

Hey fellow scouts! The Chief Minister of Penang recently officiated the launch of a new badge which is currently available for you to grab one for yourself! This badge reminds us to remain strong and stay indoors in the midst of the ongoing pandemic. It's definitely a badge like no other! Pick up one for yourself right now for the price of RM5 apiece! All sales will be donated to the Penang COVID-19 Fund. Contact Mr. Mohd Ikhwan +6012502432 if you have any questions. For more info, click the button!

24 May 2020 - Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri

We, from 7GTS would like to wish our Muslim brothers a very merry Hari Raya Aidilfitri!


We, from 7GTS Scout Troop would like to wish Happy Teacher's Day to all teachers, facilitators, scoutmasters, etc. !

16 May 2020 - 1st Malaysia Scouts Virtual Hike 2020!

Merdeka Hike is an activity which is going to be held by the PPMNPP in conjunction with the Merdeka celebration on the 31st of August 2020.

Due to the spread of the COVID-19 virus, this year's Virtual Merdeka Hike will be carried out in a new and different way.

In accordance with the State Government's campaign in the fight against this pandemic 'PENANG LAWAN COVID-19', let us all anticipate the kickoff of the 1st Malaysia Scouts Virtual Hike 2020!

Any further information will be updated here.

15 MAY 2020 - COVID-19

Special Announcement - Covid19

9 May 2020 - WE ARE ONLINE!

Hey Brothers-in-Arms! Due to the COVID-19 pandemic that we're facing as of now, all activities, meetings, and events are cancelled or postponed until further notice. We will have to wait for any announcements and circulars from the Health Ministry, Education Ministry, and JPN Pulau Pinang. We sincerely hope that you are healthy and staying safe during this Movement Control Order. MCO has affected our usual scouting activities dramatically. We hope that you will continue to visit our website for any updates or announcements. Our website is constantly undergoing upgrades, so feel free to send any feedback so that we will be able to serve you better. Wash your hands and stay indoors, my brothers! Remember to always BE PREPARED and LOOK WIDE!

By Krisada Ooi (Secretary '20)

Lambang Pengakap Dunia

  1. Pecahan tiga kelopak melambangkan tiga persetiaan pengakap.

  2. Dua buah pecah lima melambangkan 10 undang-undang.

  3. Ikatan berwarna putih melambangkan ikatan persaudaraan pengakap.

  4. Lingkaran yang membentuk ikatan buku sila berwarna putih melambangkan persaudaraan pengakap sedunia.

  5. Warna yang melambangkan warna biru pengakap sedunia.

  6. Warna putih melambangkan kesusilaan dan kebersihan.

Lambang Pengakap Malaysia

  1. Lingkaran yang membentuk ikatan buku sila berwarna biru tua melambangkan perpaduan rakyat Malaysia dalam persaudaraan sesama dunia.

  2. Pecahan tiga kelopak melambangkan tiga persetiaan pengakap iaitu taat kepada Tuhan, Raja dan Negara.

  3. Warna kuning, hijau, dan merah melambangkan tiga unit asas iaitu:

Kuning: Pengakap Kanak-kanak, Hijau: Pengakap Muda, Merah: Pengakap Remaja

  1. Bintang pecah 14 melambangkan 14 negeri di Malaysia.

  2. Dua bintang pecah lima melambangkan 10 undang-undang pengakap.

  3. Ikatan hijau melambangkan ikatan persaudaraan pengakap.

  4. Anak bulan dan binatang melambang agama rasmi Malaysia iaitu agama Islam.

  5. Warna kuning pada anak bulan dan binatang melambangkan warna diraja bagi Duli-duli yang Maha Mulia Raja-raja Melayu.

Persetiaan Pengakap

Persetiaan Pengakap: Persetiaan Pengakap perlu dilantas dan diamalkan oleh setiap ahli pengakap. Ahli pengakap harus melafaskan persetiaan setiap kali perjumpaan diadakan. Lafas persetiaan pengakap adalah seperti di bawah:

Bahawa dengan sesungguhnya saya berjanji dan bersetia yang saya dengan seberapa daya upaya akan:

  • Taat kepada Tuhan, Raja, dan Negara

  • Menolong orang pada setiap masa

  • Menurut undang-undang pengakap

Undang-undang Pengakap

Undang-undang pengakap ini merupakan panduan kepada ahli pengakap melaksanakan tanggungjawab mereka. Undang-undang pengakap Malaysia dinyatakan dalam bentuk ayat dan terdapat 10 undang-undang pengakap. Secara ringkas, kata kunci undang-undang pengakap adalah berikut:

  1. Dipercayai

  2. Taat

  3. Berguna

  4. Bersaudaraan

  5. Berbudi

  6. Kasihkan Binatang

  7. Menurut Perintah

  8. Tabah Hati

  9. Berjimat

  10. Suci Fikiran, Suci Perkataan, Suci Perbuatan

Hormat Pengakap

Hormat pengakap menggunakan tiga jari. Hormat pengakap diberikan semasa:

  • Berjumpa dengan pemimpin pengakap dan pegawai-pegawai pengakap

  • Menerima anugerah, sijil atau hadiah

  • Istiadat menaikkan dan menurunkan bendera

Cogan Kata Pengakap

Cogan kata bagi unit-unit persekutuan pengakap Malaysia adalah berbeza-beza antara satu sama lain.

Cogan kata bagi unit-unit tersebut adalah seperti berikut:

  • Pengakap Kanak-kanak: Buat sehabis baik

  • Pengakap Muda: Selalu bersedia

  • Pengakap Remaja: Pandang luas

  • Pengakap Kelana: Berkhidmat

Messengers of Peace

Every Scout is a Messenger of Peace

Scouts do some amazing things, from simple community actions to large-scale projects such as preventing bullying in schools in the UK, helping street gangs in El Salvador to reduce violence, cleaning up a playground in Texas, and planting millions of trees all over Africa. Throughout its history, Scouting has inspired its millions of members to make a difference – applying their leadership to creating a better world. MoP is a World Scouting Initiative, which encourages Scouts to do community service and tell the story of their experience in order to inspire others to action. The Initiative has three components:

  • The Messengers of Peace Support Fund

  • The Messengers of Peace Educational Programme

  • The Messengers of Peace Network

These elements are connected: Today's technology enables us to exchange, and share inspiration through our Scouts Global Messengers of Peace Netowrk, for project ideas and ways to take action. The educational programme provides guidance on how to implement project ideas, and the Support Fund gives the necessary means for the National Scout Organisation’s projects.

The Messengers of Peace Support Fund

The Messengers of Peace Support Fund was established for financially supporting Scouts worldwide in implementing MoP projects that fall into one of the following categories:

  • Strengthening capacity (e.g. projects for renewing an NSO’s youth programme, or providing training for Adults in Scouting)

  • Inspiring Messengers of Peace (e.g. projects related to spreading the MoP network)

As well as special projects (including, but not limited to):

  • Support to youth in (post-)conflict zones (e.g. projects related to supporting refugees)

  • Disaster response (e.g. projects related to providing immediate support to disaster-affected communities, or projects related to preparing Scouts for disaster response)

  • Environment (e.g. projects related to reforestation, or cleaning up a river bed)

  • Peace and culture of dialogue (e.g. projects related to providing training to young people about peace and dialogue)

The Messengers of Peace Programme

Scouts are already doing great things in their community. Through good turns and community service, scouts are making the world a better place and spreading a culture of peace. The Messengers of Peace programme aims to highlight this work by supporting scouts' community service and encouraging Scouts to share their actions with others to help build a global network of service. If a scout does a service action and shares it with other, they can earn a Messengers of Peace badge. The main goal is to inspire Scouts to continue their community service or to join efforts with other scouts from around the globe. You can earn the Messengers of Peace badge in 4 steps:

  1. Inspire: Explore and research about local problems, people in action and good practices.

  2. Learn and decide: Identify your motivation and talents. Choose a field of action. Select useful knowledge, skills and ideas to apply.

  3. Do: Plan your actions, execute, monitor, evaluate and report.

  4. Share: Share what you did, your experiences, outcomes and learnt lessons.

The Messengers of Peace Network

During the 1st World Scout Conference organised in France in 1922, Baden-Powell shared his vision: “Scouts can gather in a Global Network of service”. The Messenger of Peace Network is a network of all scouts who wish to contribute with their individual or collective actions to spread a Culture of Peace through service actions for community development. The Network is kept active each time we invite someone to take part in our projects to help others. Every time you share a story, you contribute to inspire others with your example. One day, this will include all scouts in the world, who can actively help each other to create a better world. Some of the tools you can use to share your work? Scout.org, social media, instant messaging, radio, tv, newspapers... or simply talking about your work to your friends, community, and other scouts from around the world!

The Messengers of Peace Heroes

The Messengers of Peace Heroes Award was created to recognise exceptional Scouts, volunteers and professionals for their outstanding work in creating a better world. Each one of these extraordinary scouts that have taken action in one of these fields is considered a Messenger of Peace hero. Each year, heroes are highlighted with a prize and ceremony to inspire other scouts to pursue great community service. Discover the Messengers of Peace heroes.

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Designed by Krisada Ooi Shen Yang (Secretary 19/20)