
Responses to feedback are identified with 'FEED' and responses to inquiries are identified with 'INQ'. All feedback and questions given by viewers of this website shall remain anonymous to the public.


F: First and foremost, all the details posted in this website are pretty good and well organised. Well I have a suggestion here, is it possible to post our yearly event participated/organised by the troop such as CNG, AGM, EYTC, LTC, ATC etc? Hope you don't mind, but can you also send me those curriculum day march past photos which is posted in the memories? Thanks in advance.

R: Yes, it is possible to do that. I'll will do my best to obtain the information related to those activities and update the website as soon as I have it. However, I can't give you the photos, as they're going to be used in the school magazine. Sorry.


F: I think maybe could add some photo of weekly activities or some camp's photos. It would be nice to have some photo gallery. And in fact, if it's possible, about the panduan part of log book, it would be really really nice to attached the pdf file of the panduan of those certain log book so that interested members of taking that certain badge or test will have resource to look for. (For your information I couldn't select which form I was in and I think could add in an answer such as - 'other'. For those that are not students of PFS, since there might be scouters around the internet providing some feedback as well. And by the way.... The feedback page experience is not very comfortable if using phone since it have a smaller space to type in and therefore it might be troublesome to looks through our own comment. ). Overall the website was very thought out and great job out there. Salute and good luck out there in making this website even greater and better !

Oh hi, it's me again, turns out the problem with selecting which form I was in and the problem of the space of writing suggestion is nothing to worry about since it was just some faulty internet problem leading to that matter just now. Anyway. Great job out there and salute !

R: Yes, I've added some camp photos in the Memories page. However, I do not have pictures from weekly meetings for this year as we are currently under lockdown and I did not take any pictures of meetings that we had in the first three months. Next, could you send the PDF file of the 'panduan' to my email (my email is in the Contact Us page)? Thanks. Moving on, concerning the amount of space you have to type, I'm sorry to inform you that I can't change it as Google Forms doesn't let me do so. Thank you for your compliments!


F: It would be great if we can have an Instagram account of the troop!

R: In my opinion, I don't think an Instagram account would be necessary as we already have a website which showcases our troop to the world. But hey, if you would like to make one, by all means, go ahead!